The Soulrocker Podcast

020. [Dennis DeYampert] Dad, NPC Competitor, Balance, More

Vanessa Delgado Season 3 Episode 20

Welcome back to Season 3! This season is dedicated to Fitness.
My first guest Dennis Wayne DeYampert who is a dad, husband and NPC competitor. In this episode, Dennis talks about how he got into fitness and also how he got into competing on the stage. Dennis shares how he experienced a prep while having a 2 year old and all the way's in which he balanced prep as a dad and husband. He shares the importance of communication, not just in general but also how crucial it is during a prep. Dennis shares his latest experience in his last prep in late 2022  at the NPC Mid American Winter Classic in Waukegan Illinois. He shared his online coach experience, posing, diet, mental challenges, peak week and show day. Dennis also opens up about post show thoughts and approach and goals and More! 

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