The Soulrocker Podcast

023. [Christopher Barakat] Scool Of Gainz, WNBF Pro, Peak Week Evidence Publication, Body Recomp, More

Vanessa Delgado Season 3 Episode 23

Chris Barakat is the founder of school of gainz, a professional natural bodybuilder in the WNBF, researcher scientist at the University of Tampa and more. He prioritizes his research based on optimizing body recomposition. In this episode we cover some of his background history in how he got started in fitness as well as the research and publisher aspect in his career. Chris shares how one can make progress as one reaches their peak. I was also interested in getting to know the behind the scenes of what their research case studies look like at the University of Tampa. We talk about the peak week publication he was a part of along with Guillermo Escalante, Scott Stevenson, Alan Aragon and Brad Schoenfeld who are all well known in the fitness industry. Chris shares a clear understanding of what body recomp is and gave really clear example specifically in women and more.

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For all educational resources

The Ultimate Guide to Body Recomp and How to Build Muscle & Burn Ebook Co-written with Jeff Nippard Fat

Peak week recommendations for bodybuilders: an evidence based approach Publication

All other resources found

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Get a Copy of My Published Journal - Journaling Journey - Diving Deep

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