The Soulrocker Podcast

028. [Celeste Rains-Turk] Body Dysmorphia, Emotional Eating, Social Media, More

Vanessa Delgado
Celeste is a national certified Coach and counselor helping people with overcoming food freedom and their mindset. Along with her multiple degree's in Psychology and  Clinical nutrition, she is also an Author, a NPC Competitor and also a host of one of the top downloaded fitness podcasts "Confessions of a Bikini Pro".
This episode Celeste and I talk about body dysmorphia in both women and men and their differences psychologically. We also talk about how men identify themselves with being competitive or at a certain level of muscularity and often may identify their sense of value or acceptance based on being an athlete. We dig into emotional eating, the fear of eating and so much more.

Celeste has a variety of coaching programs she offers found on her website.

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Get a Copy of My Published Journal - Journaling Journey - Diving Deep

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This podcast series is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility to any person for any liability, loss, damage or any other alleged directions to be caused directly or indirectly as a result to use and follow with out any consultation from the information presented.

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