The Soulrocker Podcast

Building Capacity Through Discomfort & Discerning Trauma | Nadia Rae Brackett

Vanessa Delgado Season 4 Episode 32

Episode 32. Nadia Rae Brackett from Denver CO, is a trained depth therapist LPCC who's focus is somatic healing through reshaping the nervous system. Nadia has been a practitioner for 4 years and is leading 1on1 coaching as well as a 90 day group program called Journey into the Mature Feminine.  In this episode we cover: 

Nadia Intro and background 00:30

What is a depth-oriented therapist 01:58

CBT therapy different from somatic approach 03:55

Difference between counselor vs therapist vs psychiatrist vs psychologists 06:29

What actually is trauma 07:36

Why nuance and discernment about a trauma response is important is 12:59  

The fear of being seen 17:05

How can we make a difference to being authentic 27:13

Building capacity in discomfort 30:25

Therapy is powerful to grow in relationship 33:37

Relationships are mirror to our deep wounds 36:50

Healing girl era mainstream 40:23

Support of the healing journey 46:43

Connect with Nadia on Instagram @nadiaraehealing

You can download her Free Workbook: Embodying the Mature Feminine

1:1 Soul-Led Nervous system coaching

Join her open Group program "Journey into Mature Feminine 90-Day"

Connect on Instagram:

Get a Copy of My Published Journal - Journaling Journey - Diving Deep

All other links:

This podcast series is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility to any person for any liability, loss, damage or any other alleged directions to be caused directly or indirectly as a result to use and follow with out any consultation from the information presented.

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